Unreal WorldsThe worlds we create for ourselves with our thinking are unreal worlds. They have no depth to them; they are wholly superficial. However…2d ago2d ago
Bending Reality To Suit OurselvesThe ‘me’ bends everything to make it be about it — this is the distortion that is created by the self. The world isn’t all about the ‘me’…Feb 1Feb 1
OthernessIf we are quiet enough (or still enough) in ourselves then what we find is that an uncanny sense of otherness creeps into our lives —…Jan 271Jan 271
The Delaying GameHow does neurotic mental pain remind us of who we really are? This is an odd question because we don’t experience neurotic suffering as…Jan 19Jan 19
Celebrating The Egoic FantasyThere is a very big problem with all our attempts to create effective psychological therapies and this problem comes about because of the…Jan 11Jan 11
Virtual JourneysLinearity is simply a trick or gimmick, nothing more — it’s a trivial affair, not a profound one. Having said this, we still have to…Jan 6Jan 6
False PerspectiveWe always think we have perspective on our situation but — as a rule — we don’t! When we think we have perspective (which is most of the…Jan 51Jan 51
To Identify With A Rule Is to Be Nullified By ItWe don’t understand what ‘a game’ really is, even though we think we do. A game is a game we say, it’s where we all pretend something is…Jan 2Jan 2
Authority Works By Annihilating IndividualityAny action that proceeds on the basis of a fixed centre (any action that happens out of a definite position) is always going to come back…Dec 28, 2024Dec 28, 2024
There’s No Fixing The Fixer…The one thing we can’t ever do is ‘manage our thinking’, despite what we might be told to the contrary. This just isn’t going to work. The…Dec 25, 2024Dec 25, 2024