Showing Our Backsides To Heaven

Nick Williams
3 min readOct 16, 2022


The baseline is always good and the baseline is always bad. That’s the thing we must make sure to remember. That the baseline is always good, and that it’s always evil too, and that’s where all the trouble comes in. That’s trouble we can’t shut the door on. We’ll never shut that door. The baseline is God and it’s Satan too so we have to watch that. We have to be mindful of it. The baseline is good but it’s also very bad and there’s many of us who don’t want to hear this. That’s why we built the Temple of Ignorance, after all. Somewhere to retreat true in times of trouble. ‘And when isn’t it a time of trouble?’ I hear you ask. Answer me that, if you will. There’s trouble wherever you look. People aren’t content to be humans anymore — they want to be machines. They want to realise the Glorious Transhuman Agenda. They’re pining for the Singularity. Part man, part machine and part terrible mistake — isn’t that what they say? They say it for sure, no doubt about that, but are they right? Are they right to say it in the way that they do? Nothing’s right these days, though. We’ve slipped our moorings and were adrift in a Sea of Lies, going wherever the current takes us. It’s a scary thought, isn’t it? This is the Age of Revelations, but no one wants to hear. No one wants to know. Each one of us lost in our own private worlds, playing meaningless but time-consuming games with our own projections. Watching God on TV. We can’t ever leave the baseline, we can’t ever escape it. It’s God and the devil at the same time. It’s good but it’s evil and there’s no getting away from it. How to worship God in the end days, that’s what the man in the six thousand dollar suit on the television is telling us about. He dresses as expensively as he does because he represents the Almighty Himself. No room for sloppiness there, no leeway for impure thoughts or prohibited points of view. Questions rush into your brain and pour out from your mouth: Was God a space monster? Are aliens real? Can robots be programmed to recreate the universe just as God did in Genesis? How to worship God in the End Days, that’s what we all want to know, isn’t it? I guess we all find our own ways to do that. Whatever ways seems to make sense to us. Tactics of desperation mainly. Acts of utter and appalling cynicism carried out in the name of the Lord of Effluence whose Darkness penetrates and pervades every corner of this squalid world of ours. We prostrate ourselves on the tarmac, grovelling pathetically, worshipping every-tin little pot god that comes along with equal fervour, showing our backsides to heaven, just as Diogenes said.



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