Nick WilliamsThe Inverted WorldThe world we have been given (and within which we are required to live our lives) is absurdly narrow, absurdly rigid, absurdly lacking in…Aug 211Aug 211
Nick WilliamsMaximum IncoherenceIdentity is a prison, and yet it is — absurdly — a prison that we’re very proud of, a prison that we will defend to the bitter end…Aug 7Aug 7
Nick WilliamsPlayfulnessPlayfulness comes out of ‘a place of plenitude’, it comes out of a place where there is ‘already everything’, so to speak. When we are…Jul 28Jul 28
Nick WilliamsMaking A Wish…When we’re patient then (in time) everything will be revealed to us but when we’re impatient then nothing is revealed to us — not ever…Jul 23Jul 23
Nick WilliamsThe Phenomenon of SpontaneityWe all know what the word ‘spontaneity’ means, but at the same time we don’t really know. No one really knows, not even the most learned…Jul 22Jul 22
Nick WilliamsFixing The Extrinsic SelfThere’s no point in trying to fix the Extrinsic Self when it gets broken. It is meant to get broken, we could say - it has no future but to…Jul 141Jul 141
Nick WilliamsControl Equals FearIt’s not that we should ‘do something about fear’ so as to show that we’re not afraid of it (or — if we can — vanquish it entirely) but…Jul 12Jul 12
Nick WilliamsThe World of ‘Warring Opposites’When we are inhabiting the Nominal Realm — which is the world of formal descriptions — then the one thing that is absolutely impossible…Jul 9Jul 9
Nick WilliamsThe Snake That Cannot Cast Its SkinPsychological therapies of the rational kind are inevitably based on control and what this means is that we’re guaranteed to get caught up…Jul 6Jul 6
Nick WilliamsSimulated Mental HealthWould living in a simulation be a safe or an unsafe thing? Could it be bad for our mental health, for example? Are there any hidden…Jul 3Jul 3